Escape the shadows of darkness by completing a jump'n run parcours. On your way you will find multiple items that can be used to brew mysterious potions. Each potion's effect is hidden until you use it for the first time. Some of them will help you while others could also turn out to rather hinder you. Good Luck!

Controls (can also be found in game):

  • Move left / right: A / D or arrow keys
  • Jump: Space, W or up arrow key
  • Use potion 1 / 2 / 3: 1 / 2 / 3
  • Open brewing view: E
  • Pause game / Close current view: Esc

This is a prototype version of the game so there is only one level which is rather short. I'm planning on creating more and longer levels in the future. Also the art has been held simple by now and there is no music or sound effects yet.


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Game Design Document

Install instructions

For Windows: Download the zip file, extract it and run the contained exe file.

Development log

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